Titre complet: ManageEngine Eventlog Analyzer Managed Hosts Administrator Credential Disclosure Catégorie: remote exploits Plateforme: multiple ManageEngine Eventlog Analyzer from v7 to v9.9 b9002 has two security vulnerabilities that allow an unauthenticated user to obtain the superuser password of any managed Windows and AS/400 hosts. This module abuses both vulnerabilities to collect all the available usernames and passwords. First the agentHandler servlet is abused to get the hostid and slid of each device (CVE-2014-6038); then these numeric id's are used to extract usernames and passwords by abusing the hostdetails servlet (CVE-2014-6039). Note that on version 7 the TARGETURI has to be prepended with /event. # 0day.today @ http://0day.today/